2025 Couples Nine and Dine 3 2025-06-07


2025 Couples Nine and Dine 3 for 2025-06-07


Couples 9 & Dine

Saturday, June 7th

5:30pm Shotgun Start



 Entry Fee: 

$80 per couple

** Includes Prizes and Dinner Following Play **




Men: The maximum forward tee will be the Red tees. The Black tees will be the maximum back position for gentlemen.

Ladies: Score a NET bogey from the Red tees and move up to the 200 yard marker on the next hole (or the drop circle on a par 3). The 200 yard marker will be the maximum forward starting position for ladies. The Black tees will be the maximum back position for ladies.


Tees and Handicapping:
A valid handicap is required to play (please contact the golf shop if you need assistance establishing a handicap). This event will use 70% for the Women and 60% for the Men. 


Prizes will be awarded for 1st place Gross and 1st place Net in Flight 1. 1st and 2nd place Net in all other flights.



Cancelation Policy:
Cancelations after 12:00pm Tuesday, June 11th will incure a $25 per person cancelation fee.

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