Error message
- Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in get_date_from_node() (line 90 of /data/www/www.lantanagolf.com/htdocs/sites/all/themes/arciscore_theme/templates/pages/page.tpl.php).
- Warning: Illegal string offset 'value' in include() (line 279 of /data/www/www.lantanagolf.com/htdocs/sites/all/themes/arciscore_theme/templates/pages/page.tpl.php).
- Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in get_date_from_node() (line 90 of /data/www/www.lantanagolf.com/htdocs/sites/all/themes/arciscore_theme/templates/pages/page.tpl.php).
Kids Eat Free for 2024-07-09
Kids Eat Free
Tuesdays | 5:00pm-8:00pm
Kids Eat Free! One child (12 & under) dines on us with every adult purchase.
Treat your family to a delicious meal without the cost?join us for a memorable evening!
Reservations Not Required
kbrady@arcisgolf.com | 940.784.6922